Overall the videos were really great - the content presented was "spot on" and for the many "first time" animated video makers, the videos were actually quite good. Congrats to all 307 students for their hard work.
The criteria I use to grade the flipped classroom video submissions is based on (1) following the video requirements, (2) thoroughness and correctness of content and (3) creativity. I typically find that "creativity" is where the big differences are between submissions. Taking a step outside of the box is a scary venture for many students - but their efforts are applauded in 307.
Check out these videos that I feel are "spotlight" worthy -
D Cornett - http://screencast.com/t/w9iIljHNXUv
- very creative approach to this project. Animation needs some work – but nice
first attempt.
R Driver - http://goanimate.com/videos/0y6zQI8BKh7o?utm_source=linkshare&utm_medium=linkshare&utm_campaign=usercontent
– “outside of the box” presentation of materials. Animation needs some work,
but nice first attempt.
Danielle Frazier - https://plotagon.com/28632 - Plotagon
video, which is a relatively new animation product with some really nice features. The story line is not overly creative, but nice job with the animation.
A Slone - http://goanimate.com/videos/0He3elpNVarI?utm_source=linkshare&utm_medium=linkshare&utm_campaign=usercontent
– Nice job with change of scenes and multiple characters and conversations
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