Saturday, November 30, 2019

Professional ePortfolios

Students in ED 510 have spent the semester using technology resources for teaching and training. A culmination of their hard work is displayed in digital ePortfolios. Enjoy these great presentations!

M Milstead – NW SCC Advising  

A Smith – Fresh Slate Kitchen

C Davidson – Dream a Little Dream 

Friday, November 29, 2019

Teaching Strategies for the Digital Age

Want to know more about ED 307 Teaching Strategies for the Digital Age? Check out these Web pages that do a GREAT job reviewing the course -

M Daly - All about ED 307
A Guthrie - More about ED 307

Partnering Pedagogies Explored

Students in ED 307 have been exploring the use of partnering pedagogies as a teaching and learning strategy for K-12 classrooms. Enjoy the following presentations, which take an in-depth look at a variety of partnering strategies.

M Daly – Inquiry-Based Learning
J Beard – Discovery Learning
S Davis – Team-Based Learning
A Guthrie – Field-Based Learning
C Morris – Guided Discovery
B Paschal – Action Learning

Friday, November 15, 2019

Digital Lessons for Teaching & Training

Students in ED 510 have been learning about using course authoring technologies to create and publish digital lessons to be used for teaching and training.

Enjoy the following student work - these are great lessons*!

I love the variety of topics covered and the engaging activities included in these lessons!

*Did not necessarily meet all assignment requirements

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

ED 510 - Graph, Plan, Organize, Research & Reference

ED 510 students have been exploring technology resources for graphing, planning and organizing and research and referencing. Below are links to resources they've created from one of these categories - Enjoy!

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

ED 510 Teaching with Technology

Students in ED 510 have been learning about the variety of technology tools and resources available for teaching, training and learning. In respond, they've been creating digital presentations using three free resources - Jing, Screencast and Prezi - Enjoy their hard work!

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

ED 410 Technology Management

Students in ED 410 have been learning best practices for managing classroom technology integration.

I believe you'll enjoy this presentation - S Railey does a great job discussing best practices in an engaging and effective manner!

Video link

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Technology Integration

Students in ED 410 have been learning about technology integration - what it is, how to implement effectively and which frameworks are available for guidance.

I believe you will enjoy the following presentations - the content is presented very engagingly!

Technology Integration Overview by M Daly

Technology Integration Frameworks by S Railey

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Digital Citizenship

Students in ED 505 are learning about digital citizenship. They designed, created and published websites displaying information resources about 7 digital citizenship topics -

  • What is digital citizenship
  • Netiquette
  • Student safety
  • Copyright, plagiarism and fair use
  • Equitable access
  • Classroom tech rules
  • Tech use policies
Enjoy viewing their great work - 

Friday, June 21, 2019

Animoto in the Physical Education Classroom

This presentation will feature how to use Animoto and QR codes in the physical education classroom to take teaching, learning and sharing to the next level.

To begin, open this document for all instructions.

Display your finished work here


More QR Code Ideas

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Teaching Strategies

Students in ED 307 designed, created and published a Web page overview of the course, the content covered, types of assignments, etc. To learn more about what we do in ED 307, view these submissions -

B Watkins - Teaching Strategies for the Digital Age

A Dowell - Teaching Strategies

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Digital Teaching and Training

Students in ED 510 have applied their course authoring skills to SoftChalk, creating teaching and training materials for a variety of areas. I know you'll enjoy viewing their work!

Thursday, February 28, 2019

The Role of Technology in Higher Education

Students in ED 540 reviewed the National Education  Technology Plan, "Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education", which was released in 2017. The plan articulates a vision of equity, active use, and collaborative leadership to make everywhere, all-the-time learning possible. Students used information from this report, and presented it in animated videos. I hope you enjoy their great work!

By A Beasley

 By W Davidson

By J Smith

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Teaching with Technology

Students in ED 510 have been investigating technologies that can be used for teaching and training. I believe you will enjoy the following presentations, as they not only discuss the teaching strategy, but meet most best practices for formatting and presentation of material digitally.

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J Williams - 3 D Printing

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R Banks - Mobile Learning

Management - The Key to Effective Classrooms!

Along with the infusion of technology into today's K-12 classrooms, has come the need to develop effective management plans and strategies to ensure the classroom remains an effective environment for teaching and learning. Students in ED 410/411 created digital presentations highlighting effective classroom management strategies for technology-infused classrooms.

by C Gleason

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by D Livingston

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by E Satterfield

by B Watkins

Thursday, February 7, 2019

Flipped Classroom

Teaching are FLIPPING their classroom! Can you believe it???

A headline like this would be sure to catch some attention - especially for those who don't know what "flipping" the classroom is all about.

Learn about flipping the classroom by watching these videos created by ED 307 students. Enjoy!

by S Railey

by C Gleason

by B Watkins

by H McCollum