Monday, March 6, 2023

Interactive and Engaging Digital Lessons

It's easy to create interactive and engaging digital lessons when you have access to great resources. Softchalk Cloud is one such resource. Enjoy these lessons created by ED 410/411 students.

Managing the Chaos

Even on a good day your classroom can get a big chaotic at times - especially when you throw in a bunch of technology resources, such as smartphones, tablets, computers, etc. While these resources are great tools for teaching and learning, without proper management they can cause chaos.

Students in ED 410/411 have been learning how to manage classroom technology resources. Watch this presentation to help you create the best teaching and learning environment!

L Barnes classroom management video

Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Teaching with Technology

Technology is such a great asset to teaching and training platforms, providing alternative formats for educating learners. Students in ED 510 created presentations for using virtual reality, gamification and virtual field trips as platforms for teaching and learning. Enjoy their great work!

J Crouch Virtual reality

A Hill Gamification

T Jackson Virtual Field Trips


Teaching & Training Resources

Students in ED 510 used material generator resources to create teaching and training resources. Enjoy their great work!

Newsletter - Career and Technical Education

Padlet – History of cosmetology

Infographic – Food carving made easy

Brochure – Rising Adults Academy

Canva Infographic – What makes a great bread

Infographic – Why IT?

Newsletter – Mr. Dunn’s construction class

Newsletter – The Apocalypse is here

Canva Brochure - Washington County CTE

Padlet - Fractions

Infographic  - The seven steps in cybersecurity